Kadence Photography: Blog https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog en-us (C) Kadence Photography - Wedding, Family, and Senior photography in East End, Sheridan, and Little Rock, Arkansas. [email protected] (Kadence Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:36:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:36:00 GMT https://clients.kadencephotography.com/img/s/v-12/u803428511-o330049824-50.jpg Kadence Photography: Blog https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog 80 120 A Nod to Warmer Weather https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2014/2/a-nod-to-warmer-weather I don't know about the rest of you all, but I am not a cold weather type person. This momma is better in the heat where if you happen to slide into or walk through a creek, it's OK! You aren't literally going to FREEZE your extremities off!! That being said, I know a bunch of kids who are ready for it to WARM UP and STAY that way!!!! HA!

So my tribute to warmer weather is my favorite place during the spring. Garvan Gardens has an amazing display of tulips. They are GORGEOUS! I have been shooting there the last three years during the tulips, and I'm thinking about opening a day of cheap, mini's and share the joy of it! What do you think??


WilliamsWilliamsDanielle & Wyatt Williams

Wyatt loved the tulips at Garvan Gardens last year! Can't wait to take him back...

WilliamsWilliamsDanielle & Wyatt Williams WilliamsWilliamsDanielle & Wyatt Williams

As long as he doesn't chunk any more rocks at me!! LOL 

WilliamsWilliamsDanielle & Wyatt Williams WilliamsWilliamsDanielle & Wyatt Williams Sweet Baby IslaSweet Baby IslaLawhon Wedding

This was a sweltering June day... We were all literally melting. I don't think I'll complain about heat like that again....for a while at least!

Sweet Baby IslaSweet Baby IslaLawhon Wedding Sweet Baby IslaSweet Baby IslaLawhon Wedding Sweet Baby IslaSweet Baby IslaLawhon Wedding

Sweet girl wanted to play in that water! So did I! 

Sweet Baby IslaSweet Baby IslaLawhon Wedding BrownBrownFamily Photos

Liam and Carla loved the flowers, and we loved the company!!

BrownBrownFamily Photos Jayci GreenJayci GreenSenior Photos

Jayci wanted something different from the other seniors at her high school... Well, she got it, and a good hike that day too! Again, SUPER hot, but I'd LOVE SUPER hot right now!!! Ha!!

Jayci GreenJayci GreenSenior Photos Jayci GreenJayci GreenSenior Photos Jayci GreenJayci GreenSenior Photos Jayci GreenJayci GreenSenior Photos Jayci GreenJayci GreenSenior Photos Jayci GreenJayci GreenSenior Photos

Gorgeous girl made an awesome model!! Loved working with her!

Jayci GreenJayci GreenSenior Photos

So that's my nod to much warmer, much desired weather!! Stay warm! 

[email protected] (Kadence Photography) Children Garvan Gardens Hot Springs Senior photos https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2014/2/a-nod-to-warmer-weather Thu, 13 Feb 2014 16:30:22 GMT
Baby Gwen https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2013/7/baby-gwen Amanda and Josh have three gorgeous little girls that very closely match up with our hoodlums. Gwen was just a few weeks old when we did these.. Gwen is about a month younger than our youngest and is definitely going to be a rough and tumble kind of girl to survive these early years!! 

Newborn photos are always a neat experience. I like to keep them as personal and low key as possible. We actually spent around 4 hours taking these because Gwen kept wanting to nurse, and who am I to keep a baby from eating?? I always fed on demand, and that's how I handle newborn sessions. Feed the baby!! They're always so much happier when they are fed and warm!!

Heaters and heating pads do wonders for keeping sweet babies sleeping for photos!! 

I'll end this one with some sweet little baby toes... I love some baby feet!!!

[email protected] (Kadence Photography) East End, AR Family Photographer Little Rock, AR Senior Photographer Wedding Photographer https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2013/7/baby-gwen Thu, 01 Aug 2013 01:24:22 GMT
Doughty Wedding https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2013/7/doughty-wedding Byron and Kristin were married in a sweet ceremony in Perryville, Arkansas. When Kristin contacted us about her wedding, she had some ideas of what she wanted from her engagement, bridal, and wedding photos but was very flexible on our view of it. 

Kristin had a beautiful gown and put an amazing amount of time into the planning out the details of her big day, and it showed!

One of my favorite shots from her ceremony.. This chalkboard was later used for their reception.

This little dude woke up just in time to stumble down the aisle. He was SO precious, even with only one boot on! 

You may kiss your bride.. 

I had a lot of fun playing around with black and whites during this ceremony! It certainly lent itself towards black and whites. 

That's it for this post... Check back soon for more from more of our more recent shoots and weddings!


[email protected] (Kadence Photography) https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2013/7/doughty-wedding Sat, 20 Jul 2013 20:04:14 GMT
Wedding at the Crescent https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2013/6/wedding-at-the-crescent When Ashley and Shane began their hunt for a wedding venue, they knew they wanted something unique.  The bride to be always has unique ideas, and for her special day she already had a vision of something with the simple understated elegance of a garden wedding but a vintage feel of style and sophistication in the venue as well.  When she found the historic Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, she knew it was just the place.  One walk around the courtyard and grounds, and we were as thrilled as she was to shoot her big day there.


If you've never been to Eureka Springs, it is truly a beautiful gem in Arkansas.  There are countless shops and stores lining the winding streets, and you almost get a feeling that you've stepped back in time to an era long gone from our daily lives in the big cities we have today.  Nestled high above the streets and overlooking much of the surrounding town below sits the Crescent Hotel. 

Everything about the Cresent Hotel was majestic. The fountains and pathways were amazing as was the exterior and interior of the century old hotel. 

Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas

Ashley took great pride and care with the details of her wedding. This particular shot above was captured and holds with it the memory and knowledge that ones that truly wanted to be there, were. 

Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas Such a beautiful bride in a dreamy location. We couldn't have asked for a more picture perfect day to document this wedding. 


Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas

It was a great pleasure shooting this wedding for Ashley and Shane at the beautiful Cresent Hotel in Eureka Springs. We didn't see any ghosts but weren't particularly upset over that! Check back in with us later for some more recent weddings and blog updates!

[email protected] (Kadence Photography) Bauxite Benton Bryant Central Arkansas Photography Children Conway East End Engagement Photographer Family Portraits High School Jonesboro Kadence Photography Little Rock Maternity Morrilton Newborn Northeast AR Paragould Photographers Photography Rock Senior Senior Photos Sheridan Wedding Photos picture https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2013/6/wedding-at-the-crescent Sun, 16 Jun 2013 18:59:57 GMT
Baby Jonathon https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2013/4/baby-jonathon I received an email from Angela a couple of weeks before we had our newest addition. She was wanting newborn photos! I jumped at the opportunity to cuddle someone else's little baby! We actually took these at their house in Sherwood, AR. It's always easier on Mom and baby if they don't have to travel that soon after delivery. 

Little Jonathon was such a trooper!! He was 10 days old and didn't make much of a fuss at all! He was SO tiny! I loved it!

Family & Child Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR Family & Child Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR

Paper hat with comic pages, sure why not?? He seemed to like it! 

Family & Child Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR

Love me some baby feet!! They are so precious!

Family & Child Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR

Proud Mom, Angela, and Dad, Mike, are super tickled over their precious little guy!

Family & Child Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR

I really enjoyed spending the afternoon with this sweet family. Angela and Mike are definitely going to make amazing parents. Jonathon is one lucky baby boy!!

[email protected] (Kadence Photography) Bauxite Benton Bryant Central Arkansas Photography Children Conway East End Engagement Photographer Family Portraits High School Jonesboro Kadence Photography Little Rock Maternity Morrilton Newborn Northeast AR Paragould Photographers Photography Rock Senior Senior Photos Sheridan Wedding Photos picture https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2013/4/baby-jonathon Wed, 01 May 2013 01:13:46 GMT
She Said Yes... https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2012/9/she-said-yes Hi everybody,

Megan is one of the brides-to-be that we're most looking forward to seeing on her wedding day.  She found us and liked the fact we were from East End and familiar with the area where she grew up so she gave us a call to see about doing some engagement photos for her and her beau....

Engagement Photos by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasBridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas We started off at the local monastery.  Yes, there is a monastery in East End, Arkansas, and it's a beautiful setting.  We can't thank them enough for allowing us the privilege of shooting on their grounds.  From the suspension bridge to the waterfall landscape features, it is truly a breathtaking site to see and a wonderful backdrop for romantic engagement photos. 

Engagement Photos by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasBridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas Engagement Photos by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasBridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas Engagement Photos by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasBridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas

Even better, it was obvious how much fun this shoot was going to be from the time we started getting to know them.  After a few great shots around the grounds, we decided to change it up and head into the city to finish out the day.

Engagement Photos by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasBridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas The blue skies were fantastic, and the fun we had with Megan and Bryan was even better.  We started it off on the bridge and around some of downtown before ending with a nice, relaxing ride on the trolley.  Who knew public transportation could make such a great backdrop?

Engagement Photos by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasBridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas Then again, it's hard to go wrong with some of the more classic poses....everyone loves being swept off their feet after all.

Engagement Photos by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasBridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography: Little Rock, Arkansas Needless to say we had a blast with both of them, and we were so excited and thankful when they asked us to be a part of their special day.  We look forward to an amazing wedding and the chance to capture some wonderful memories for both of them.  Until next time, thanks for stopping by....

[email protected] (Kadence Photography) Bauxite Benton Bryant Central Arkansas Photography Children Conway East End Engagement Photographer Family Portraits High School Jonesboro Kadence Photography Little Rock Maternity Morrilton Newborn Northeast AR Paragould Photographers Photography Rock Senior Senior Photos Sheridan Wedding Photos picture https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2012/9/she-said-yes Thu, 20 Sep 2012 23:00:00 GMT
Arkansas Senior Portraits https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2012/9/Senior-Pictures Hi everyone, and thanks for visiting.....we know it's been a bit since the blog has been updated, but we've been hard at it with several shoots.  Since school is back in full swing, we thought it would be a neat idea to share a few of our favorite shots from three of our recent High School Senior sessions.

Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas

We really loved the way this old phone booth provided such a unique backdrop for this shot, and the stickers and cracks just seem to add to its personality.

Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas

Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas

Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas

And no, we don't just do cityscapes and urban life.  Farms, parks, you name it.......we're always happy to go where our Seniors feel most at home and themselves......

Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas

Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas

Senior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, ArkansasSenior Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, Arkansas

Thanks again for visiting, and please check back with us soon.  It's been a busy summer with families, children, weddings, and engagements, and now that we have a little bit of breathing room, we're working to get them uploaded to share with you.

[email protected] (Kadence Photography) Bauxite Benton Bryant Central Arkansas Photography Children Conway East End Engagement Photographer Family Portraits High School Jonesboro Kadence Photography Keywords: Little Rock Maternity Morrilton Newborn Northeast AR Paragould Photographers Photography Rock Senior Senior Photos Sheridan Wedding Photos picture https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2012/9/Senior-Pictures Tue, 18 Sep 2012 00:18:51 GMT
Bridal Session with a Country Twist https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2012/3/bridal-session-with-a-country-twist Hi, everyone...

So while these are actually from a few months back, we've been holding onto them because the (then) bride-to-be wanted to ensure everything remained a surprise for the big day.  Now that the wedding has officially passed, it's finally safe to put them up without worrying the groom will catch an unauthorized peek at the bride beforehand....and don't worry, we've got lots of shots from the wedding, too, that are soon to follow.

"Bridal Photography" "Wedding Photography" "East End, AR" "Little Rock, AR"Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR

"Bridal Photography" "Sheridan, AR"Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR Meet the bride-to-be (at least at the time).  We had a lot of fun with her and her beau during their engagement photo session last fall in North Little Rock, so when she tossed out the idea of some bridal portraits with a country twist, we jumped at the chance.  Fortunately, some of her family friends had just the spot down the road in Sheridan.  While it was a bit of a drive for her, it's a pretty short haul out of East End, so on a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon, we charged up the power packs, gathered up the lenses, and headed out for what turned out to be quite the entertaining bridal session.

"Bridal Portraits" "Wedding Photography" "Sheridan, AR"Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR "Bridal Portraits" "Wedding Photography" "Sheridan, AR" "East End, AR" "Little Rock"Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR This country girl wasted no time heading right out to the barn where she knew she wanted a few pictures, and we couldn't help but catch a few with her boots in the scene.  Other than worrying about keeping that gorgeous white dress out of the dirt and mud, she really was open to moving around just about anywhere to take full advantage of everything...barns, bridges, fields, even a tractor...we hit them all that afternoon.  Did we mention tractors???

"Bridal Photography" "Wedding Photography" "Little Rock, AR" "East End, AR"Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR "Bridal Photography" "Wedding Photography" "East End, AR" "Little Rock, AR"Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR Yes, she did climb up on the tractor in the dress.....and if we'd had the keys, she probably would have driven it up to the barn.  Instead, we all did our best to ensure nothing snagged or drug across the tractor as she got up and down.  Who'd have thought white dresses and tractors could get along so well without making a lot of stains?!?!

"Bridal Portraits" "Wedding Photography" "East End, AR" "Little Rock, AR"Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR As the day wore on, things started to cool off.  Luckily, though, she was up for sticking around a little longer as the sun moved into position to provide a little bit of back/hair lighting as well for us.

"Bridal Photography" "Wedding Photography" "East End, AR" "Little Rock, AR"Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR As all good things eventually do, though, this shoot did come to an end, but not before we caught quite a few good shots and walked away with a happy bride.  A very special thanks goes out to her for being so willing to go out on a limb with an idea like this.  Most brides wouldn't dare such a thing before the big day, but it certainly made a great day for a great day on location.  Check back with us soon.  We'll be making a follow-up to this post with several from the big day as well.  Until then......

"Bridal Portraits" "Wedding Photography" "East End, AR" "Little Rock, AR"Bridal & Wedding Portraits by Kadence Photography - Little Rock, AR

[email protected] (Kadence Photography) Bridal Portraits Central Arkansas Wedding Photographer Country Bride Sheridan, AR https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2012/3/bridal-session-with-a-country-twist Sun, 25 Mar 2012 19:00:00 GMT
Spring Tulips and Shots for Mom https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2012/3/spring-tulips Hello....

With Spring upon us now and the warm weather already here, we were fortunate enough to make it out of East End and down to Hot Springs for an impromptu shoot in the middle of the tulips in Hot Springs.  If none of you have ever been to the gardens there, you really should take advantage of them in March.  They have literally thousands of tulips in varying bands of color all along the paths.

Wedding, Family, and Senior Photography in East End, Sheridan, Little Rock, and Bauxite, ArkansasFamily Photographs by Kadence Photography

So after we did a little bit of wandering and made our way out to the tulips, we found a few great patches to setup and snap off a couple of shots.  Meet G.  She's a pretty interesting girl, though at times it was difficult to get her to give us a natural smile rather than a big "cheesy" one. 

Wedding, Family, and Senior Pictures in East End, Sheridan, Little Rock, and BauxiteFamily Photographs by Kadence Photography

And here's G along with the rest of her "tribe"....nice bunch of girls, though I do feel for their father in a few years.  Boy is he in for it.....and I digress.  Anyway, Mom here wanted some pictures of all of her girls for the office.  Since her birthday was right around the corner and you can't beat pictures in a setting full of tulips, it seemed like a perfect fit and an opportunity to get outside.

family photography - East End, Sheridan, Little Rock, Bauxite ArkansasFamily Photographs by Kadence Photography

After a nearly disastrous incident involving a splinter followed by some emergency "surgery" (just goes to show a pocketknife is always handy), we narrowly avoided calling off the whole event and managed to get some wonderful pictures of Em, here, perched on some rocks among the tulips. 

childrenFamily Photographs by Kadence Photography

See, if you didn't know it, you wouldn't even be able to tell there had been such an epic catastrophe only a few minutes before this shot was snapped....

family photography, "East End, AR"Family Photographs by Kadence Photography

And, finally, there's little miss spunk.  Though she seemed to be rather quiet on this particular occasion, you can rest assured just from looking at her she's sure to get into whatever she can if the mood strikes her...

"childrenFamily Photographs by Kadence Photography All in all, it was a great day for photos, and a fun experience for everyone involved.  If you haven't ever been to see the tulips, perhaps it's time you take a break and make some time to get down there to check them out.  It's a relaxing way to spend an afternoon, but you may want to hurry.  The blooms won't last long once the heat really picks up.

And did I mention I really feel for the Dad?  It must be tough to be an island of testosterone surrounded by all of these women, but just a few minutes with them and you can really tell despite all of the crazy, mixed-up madness, they are truly a very solid, happy family.

"family photography", "East End, AR"Family Photographs by Kadence Photography Thanks for stopping by.  We'll be posting more soon, and while you're here, feel free to take a look around or drop us a line or two.

Kadence Photography - Wedding, Family, and Senior Photography in East End, Sheridan, and Little Rock, Arkansas.

[email protected] (Kadence Photography) Children East End, AR Family Portraits Little Rock, AR Location Photography https://clients.kadencephotography.com/blog/2012/3/spring-tulips Sat, 24 Mar 2012 06:03:43 GMT